Exercise: Git Branching and Merging
Exercise 1 Objective- Switch to the test branch and complete additional steps to your algorithm - for example, what if they send you the wrong order?
- Commit your additional work and push the test branch to GitHub
- Finally, we’ll switch to our local main branch and merge in the changes from the test branch to the main branch
Steps for Exercise 1Using the PizzaAlgo repo from earlier... In the Command prompt / Terminal:
- Create a new branch named test -
git branch test
git status
- to see if I have any changes yet- Switch to test branch:
git checkout test
- Do some work on test branch and save → add a step 1a for example
git status
- and see that I have modified Algo file in the test branchgit add .
- add those changes to the staging areas for test branchgit commit -m "reworded a step"
- committed those changes to test branchgit push origin test
- pushed test branch to the remote repository (GitHub)git checkout main
- switch to main branchgit merge test
- merge the changes in test branch to the main branch