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Exercise: React Hooks


Your objective is to rewrite your App and FilmsList class components as functional components with hooks.

Getting Started#

This is part 4 of TrueCoders' React Exercise Series.

We'll be in the same react repository that you worked in for part 3.


React Series Part 4 has multiple exercises

Exercise 1: FilmsList from Class to Function#

  1. Change the FilmsList from a class to a function
  2. Remove the render method surround the return <ul>...</ul> statement
    • we'll still be using the returned JSX, so be sure to keep that
  3. Specify props as the parameter to the FilmsList function

Exercise 2: State Hook in FilmsList#

  1. Import and destructure useState from the react package
  2. Remove the constructor
  3. Add a declaration for list and setList that will be destructured from an array that is returned from calling useState([])
  4. Update the return statement to map over list instead of this.state.list

Exercise 3: Update getFilms#

  1. getFilms is currently a method. Add the function keyword to make it a function value within this component scope
  2. Update the promise consumer that updates the list state
    • Change this.setState() to setList
    • Be sure to only pass in the films data, no longer { list: films }

Exercise 4: Effect Hook in FilmsList#

  1. Import and destructure useEffect from the react package
  2. Remove the componentDidMount method
  3. Call useEffect
    • first, pass in a callback function that will call getFilms
    • second, pass in an empty dependency array

Exercise 5: App from Class to Function#

  1. Change the App from a class to a function
  2. Remove the render method surround the return ... statement
    • we'll still be using the returned JSX, so be sure to keep that
  3. Specify props as the parameter to the App function

Exercise 6: State Hook in App#

  1. Import and destructure useState from the react package
  2. Remove the constructor
  3. Add a declaration for list and setList that will be destructured from an array that is returned from calling useState(["ready", "set", "GO"])
  4. Add a declaration for text and setText that will be destructured from an array that is returned from calling useState("")
  5. Update the return statement to map over list instead of this.state.list
  6. Update the return statement's input value to be text instead of this.state.text
  7. Update the return statement's input onChange to call setText instead of this.setState

Exercise 7: Update onSubmit#

  1. onSubmit is currently a method. Add the function keyword to make it a function value within this component scope
  2. Update the function to:
    • use list instead of this.state.list
    • use text instead of this.state.text
    • use setList instead of this.setState
  3. Update the return statement's form onSubmit to be onSubmit instead of this.onSubmit

Helpful Links#

If you feel stuck, or would like to see the finished code for this exercise to check your work, check out: