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Exercise: Node FS Module


The objective is to use the Node fs module to work with the file system through JavaScript.


Exercise Repo: Node FS

  1. Create a new project folder called node_fs
  2. Inside of node_fs, create the 4 following js files:
    • createFile.js
    • readFile.js
    • updateFile.js
    • deleteFile.js
  3. Inside of createFile.js:
    • Require the fs module
    • Implement the fs.writeFile() function, creating a txt file called HelloWorld.txt, with Hello, World! inside
    • Use the async version
    • Run node createFile.js to create the file
  4. Inside of readFile.js:
    • Require the fs module
    • Implement the fs.readFile()
    • You can either read the contents of the HelloWorld.txt file, or any other file you create in your project
    • Run node readFile.js to read the file to the console
  5. Inside of updateFile.js:
    • Require the fs module
    • Using the appendFile() function, append some text to the end of your HelloWorld.txt
    • Run node update.js
  6. Inside of deleteFile.js:
    • Require the fs module
    • Implement the fs.unlink()
    • Run node deleteFile.js


  1. Part 1: Using both the http and fs module, create a server that sends an html page back to the client upon request. You must have at minimum two html pages with corresponding routes, and a 404 not found page.

  2. Part 2: Create a custom logger for accounting for requests to your server. Each time a request event is emitted by your server, send the appropriate html file back, but also log the following information to a file: Request method, url, response status code, and timestamp

    • The timestamp can be any format you like, but it at least should show the time of day that the request was made