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Exercise: React State and Props


Your objective is to create a todo list that can be viewed by the user, and a form where the user can add new items to the todo list stored in state.

Getting Started#

This is part 2 of TrueCoders' React Exercise Series.

We'll be in the same react repository that you worked in for part 1.


React Series Part 2 has multiple exercises

Exercise 1: Project Structure#

  1. Create a new folder within src/ called components/
  2. Change your App.js to App.jsx. This will enable more VSCode emmet abbreviations for the file.
  3. Change the contents of your App.jsx to be a class with a render method that returns <div><h1>Hello World</h1></div>
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<h1>Hello World</h1>

Exercise 2: Managing State#

Manage a todo list and controlled input with state.

  1. Create a constructor for the App class
  2. In the body of the constructor, assign an object to a property called state
  3. On the state object, add two properties:
    • list
    • text
  4. Assign list as the following array: ["ready", "set", "GO"]
  5. Assign text as an empty string

Exercise 3: Rendering Lists#

A rendered list in React is an array of JSX that we return to the ReactDOM. Render the state list as a React rendered list.

  1. Update the return statement of the render method to have an ul underneath the h1.
  2. As a child of the ul, call within a JSX expression
  3. The callback function passed into the map method should return a li element
  4. For each string in this.state.list that you map over, use the string value as the text content of the returned li
  5. Lastly, add a key prop to the returned li that is set to the value of the element's index in this.state.list

Exercise 4: Controlled Inputs#

A controlled input in React is an input where it's value attribute is set to a state value, and when the value of the input changes, the component state changes. Create a controlled input so that this.state.text is bound to the input.

  1. Update the return statement of the render method to have an input above the ul.
  2. Add a value prop to the input that is set to this.state.text
  3. Add an onChange prop to the input that is set to a function that will:
    • Receive the HTMLChangeEvent as a parameter
    • Call this.setState() to update this.state.text to (the value that is in the input)

Exercise 5: Updating State#

Add functionality to add a new item to the todo list.

  1. Wrap the input element in a form element
  2. Add a button element below the input element at the bottom of the form element
    • Add a type attribute of "submit"
    • Add text content of "Add"
  3. Create a method named onSubmit on the App class that will:
    • Receive the HTMLSubmitEvent as a parameter
    • Call the preventDefault() method on the parameter event
    • Call this.setState() to update the this.state.list value to a new array contains all of the previous list items and the current this.state.text
  4. Add an onSubmit prop to the form element that is set to the method this.onSubmit
  5. In the constructor, bind this to the this.onSubmit method
    • this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this);

At this point, you should be able to type a new task in the input element, click add, and see the new list item displayed in the unordered list on the screen!

Helpful Links#

If you feel stuck, or would like to see the finished code for this exercise to check your work, check out: