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Exercise: React Lifecycle Methods


Your objective is to create a Films component that will fetch a list of films from the Studio Ghibli API, and display them to the screen as a rendered list.

Getting Started#

This is part 3 of TrueCoders' React Exercise Series.

We'll be in the same react repository that you worked in for part 2.


React Series Part 3 has multiple exercises

Exercise 1: FilmsList Component#

Create a new class component.

  1. Create a new file called filmsList.jsx in your components/ folder
  2. Import and destructure the Component from the react package
  3. Add a class called FilmsList that renders an empty unordered list
  4. You should have:
class FilmsList {
render() {
return <ul></ul>;

Exercise 2: Films State#

Create state to manage the list of Studio Ghibli films.

  1. Create a constructor for the FilmsList class
  2. Define a list property on this.state that is assigned an empty array

Exercise 3: Method to Get Films#

Create a method to retrieve the list of films.

  1. Create a method called getFilms on the FilmsList class
  2. The method should call the fetch function with the following url parameter:
  3. Call the then method on the returned promise
    • the first then call should receive a callback function that returns the result parsed to json
  4. Make another then call on the returned promise
    • the second then call should receive a callback function that uses this.setState() to set this.state.list equal to the result
  5. Lastly add a catch method call that should receive a callback function that will handle an error if one occurs

Exercise 4: Fetch Films#

Call getFilms() once the component mounts.

  1. Create a componentDidMount method on the FilmsList class
  2. Call getFilms within the method body

Exercise 4: Render the Films List#

Render the list to the DOM.

  1. In the render method, update the content of the ul element to be a JSX expression that calls the map method on this.state.list
  2. Pass a callback function to the map method that returns a li element for each film in this.state.list
  3. Add the film's title as the text content of the li
  4. Add a key prop to the li that is set to the film's id

Feel free to add more content from each film to the list item's inner html.

Exercise 5: Render FilmsList Component#

Render the FilmsList component in App.

  1. Import the FilmsList component from ./components/FilmsList
  2. In the render method of the App class, render the FilmsList component below theul from the previous lesson

Helpful Links#

If you feel stuck, or would like to see the finished code for this exercise to check your work, check out: