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Exercise: Git Intro

Exercise 1#

Work with git on a simple pizza delivery algorithm file that covers the steps involved with ordering a pizza, and show how cool git can be with backing up our work:

  1. Open terminal / command prompt / git bash on your computer

  2. Set your name and email in git

    git config --global "_Mona Lisa_"
    git config --global "_[]("
  3. Set your default git branch to main (We’ll get into branching in the next lecture!)

    git config --global init.defaultBranch main
  4. Next we need to generate an SSH Key to authenticate our connection to GitHub.

  5. Create a folder named repos on your computer (this is where we will save all of our projects throughout the course)

    mkdir repos
  6. cd into your repos folder

    cd repos
  7. Inside of your repos folder, create a folder named PizzaAlgo

    mkdir PizzaAlgo
  8. cd into that folder with terminal / command prompt

    cd PizzaAlgo
  9. Initialize that folder as a git repository

    git init
  10. Using the Visual Studio Code application, create a new file named Algo inside of your PizzaAlgo folder and save it.


  11. Now we will add instructions for ordering pizza in this file


  12. Use git to commit your changes as you add steps to the file

    git add .
    git commit -m “added order step”
  13. Once your commits are ready, go to github and create a new EMPTY repository named PizzaAlgo

    Use the ‘new’ button on github:


    Your repository should look like this


    You will see a page that looks like this once created:


    Make sure SSH is enabled and NOT HTTPS

  14. Go back to terminal/command prompt, paste the text you copied from github and hit enter

  15. Your github repository should now contain the Algorithm you worked on from your computer

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