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Exercise: React Router Hooks


Your objective is to continue from the React Routing Exercise to create an individual page view for each film. Additional goals will be to display film stats based on the current filter applied to our list of films.

Getting Started#

This is part 6 of TrueCoders' React Exercise Series.

You'll be in the same react repository that you worked in for part 5.


React Series Part 6 has two parts with multiple exercises each.

Part 1#

Exercise 1: Creating SingleFilm Page#

Start off by creating the component for our film page.

  1. Create a new file in pages/ called
  2. Create a functional component called SingleFilmPage in
    • make sure to export it (I tend to forget unless I do it early on)
  3. Import useState from the react package
  4. Import useParams from the react-router-dom package
  5. Declare a piece of state, item and setItem, that will be destructured from the return of useState({})
  6. Call useParams
    • Destructure id from the return object
  7. Add the following to the return statement
<img src={`${item.image}`} alt={`${item.title} Poster`} />
Directed by {item.director}. Produced by {item.producer}.
The film was released in <strong>{item.release_date}</strong> and garnered
a <strong>{item.rt_score}</strong> aggregate score on{" "}
Rotten Tomatoes

Feel free to change anything about this return statement from content to style. We'll use this to display information about a single film.

Exercise 2: getFilm#

Similar to our getFilms function in, create a function to get a single Studio Ghibli film.

  1. In SingleFilmPage, create a function called getFilm
  2. The function should call the fetch function with the following url parameter:${id}
    • id in this case will need to be interpolated since we'll be getting that value dynamically from the route params
  3. Call the then method on the returned promise
    • the first then call should receive a callback function that returns the result parsed to json
  4. Make another then call on the returned promise
    • the second then call should receive a callback function that uses setItem to set item equal to the result
  5. Lastly add a catch method call that should receive a callback function that will handle an error if one occurs

Exercise 3: Calling getFilm in useEffect#

Call getFilm when the component mounts.

  1. Import useEffect from the react package
  2. Call useEffect with
    • a callback function passed in that calls getFilm
    • an empty dependency array passed in

Exercise 4: Links to Single Films#

Add links to a single page view.

  1. In pages/, import Link from react-router-dom
  2. Update the li's rendered by to include a Link
    • wrap the item.title in a Link that has a path set to film/${}
    • make sure the path is interpolated to include the film's id as a url parameter

Exercise 5: A Route for SingleFilmPage#

Lastly, set up a route for SingleFilmPage.

  1. In pages/index.js, import SingleFilmPage and export it with HomePage and FilmsPage
  2. In App.jsx, add SingleFilmPage to the destructured imports from pages/
  3. Add a Route within Routes that renders SingleFilmPage for "film/:id" paths

Part 2#

Exercise 1: Create getFilmStats#

Create and export a new helper function in film.helpers.js called getFilmStats.

The goal of getFilmStats is to receive list (array) parameter, and return a object that contains the following:

  • avg_score as a number, being the average rt_score of the list of films
  • acc_score as a number, being the sum rt_score of the list of films
  • total as a number, being the amount of films in the list
  • latest as a number, being the latest release year for a film in the list

For example:

list - [
{ title: "Castle in the Sky", release_date: "1986", rt_score: "95" },
{ title: "My Neighbor Totoro", release_date: "1988", rt_score: "93" }
acc_score: 188,
avg_score: 94,
total: 2,
latest: 1988
  1. Implement getFilmStats

Exercise 2: Display Film Stats#

Create several elements for displaying average film score, latest film and total films for the filtered list of films.

  1. In, import getFilmStats from film.helpers.js
  2. Call getFilmStats before the return statement and pass list as a parameter
    • destructure avg_score, total and latest from the result
  3. Add the following code to the return statement between the form and ul
<span># Of Films</span>
<span>Average Rating</span>
<span>Latest Film</span>

Helpful Links#

If you feel stuck, or would like to see the finished code for this exercise to check your work, check out: