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Exercise: JS DOM


Getting Started#

Fork and clone the exercise repository to your computer and complete all the TODO’s. Instructions are inside the files as comments.


  • Select Node #1 using the getElementById() method, and change the text to: “I used the getElementById(“node1”) method to access this”
  • Select Node #2 using the getElementsByClassName() method, and change the text to: "I used the getElementByClassName("node2") method to access this"
  • Select ALL the h3 tags using the getElementsByTagName() method, and change the text to: "I used the getElementByTagName("h3") method to access all of these"


  • Create a paragraph element using this element.createElement() and put this text inside "This node was created using the createElement() method"
  • Append the created node to the parent node using the element.appendChild() method (Keep in mind that you’ll need to select the parent node first)
  • Create a <a> element using this element.createElement() and put this text inside "I am a <a> tag"
  • Insert the created <a> in the parent node, but before the <p> you just created using the element.insertBefore() method
  • Add a link href to the <a> by selecting the property


  • Replace the "Child Node" with a new <p> element that reads "New Child Node" using the replaceChild() method.
  • Remove the "New Child Node" using the remove() method or removeChild() method.


Use the following array of values to generate a list on the DOM

let list = [ "apples", "bananas", "carrots", "dragon fruit", "eggplant", "fish", "grapes", "honey", "ice bag", "juice (any kind)" ];
  • Create an unordered list element
  • Iterate over the array values, and create a list item element for each
  • Append the new list items to the unordered list element
  • Append the unordered list to the div#container under exercise 4

Exercise #5: DOM EVENTS#

  • Write a function called show which creates a new div with an alerting message to the user with this message -> "Clicking the button triggers the onclick event, which calls the JS function show()... which alerts the user"
  • This div should be a 'modal' that covers the main content on the screen
  • BONUS: The modal popup should be able to be closed. Refactor for this functionality

Exercise Walkthrough Documentation