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Exercise: Node Streams Module


The objective is to become familiar with using streams in Node.js. You'll create a server that reads and pipes the contents of a file to the client via streams, and use a third party fetch api package to fetch and write contents from an api resource to a file.


Exercise Repo: Node Streams

Part 1#

  1. In VS Code, create and open a new folder named “node_streams”
  2. Create a streams.js file
    1. Import or require the fs module
    2. Create a server
    3. Write a conditional statement that checks the request url for a “GET” request on a “/”
    4. If the method and url match the previous check (step c), use createReadStream to pipe the contents of an html file to the client
      • You can design the html file however you choose
    5. If the method and url are not “/” and “GET”, use the same method to pipe the contents of a 404 not found html page
  3. You should send the appropriate status code and headers
  4. Now run node app and test in postman or the browser

Part 2#

  1. In a new file, fetch data from a source of your choosing (e.g. “”)
  2. Use the createWriteStream method to create a write stream using an empty json file in your project
  3. Use the write method to populate the json file with the data from your fetch request

HINT: You will need to use a third-party fetch api (isomorphic-fetch, node-fetch, Axios, etc) to achieve this in Node

Exercise Walkthrough Documentation