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Exercise: Node Events Module

Exercise Repo: Node Events


  • Your objective is to create a server that can handle a post request to /newsletter_signup
  • You must read and decode the request body (which will contain a name and email), and append the contact information to a csv file (your newsletter list)
  • CONSTRAINT: When the client request is a “POST” method to the url “newsletter_signup, you will emit a ‘signup’ event. A listener associated with this event will handle your logic

Getting Started#

  • Clone and open node_events in VSC
  • Open server.js file
  • Import EventEmitter from the events module
  • You will also need the path, http, and fs modules imported to use


  • Using the EventEmitter class, create a new EventEmitter instance called NewsLetter
  • Instantiate a new server instance with createServer
  • Inside the server request handler, listen for the data event to be emitted, and pass in a callback function that pushes each chunk into an array named chunks
  • Listen for the request ReadStream end event, and pass in a callback that contains a conditional statement (if/else)
  • The conditional statement will check the request url and method, and if they are “POST” and “newsletter_signup, decode the chunks array with Buffer.concat().toString(), and use JSON.parse() on the result to access the request body values
  • Next, emit a signup event, and pass in the value to be used by your event listener callback (name + email for csv record)
  • Write and end the response to the client


  • Account for any method or url that is not “POST” + /newsletter_signup
  • Outside of your server request handler, add an event listener for a signup event on the NewsLetter EventEmitter
  • Pass in a callback that takes in a contact as a parameter
  • This function should use fs.appendFile() to add the contact to a csv file in your project directory
  • Account for errors
  • Initialize the node app and test with Postman


  • A get request to your /newsletter_signup endpoint should send back an html page with a form
  • This form should have labels and inputs for name and email
  • This form should send the name and email as the request body to your server to process and add to your newsletter.csv file (you’ve already completed this logic)
  • If the action is successful or unsuccessful, display feedback to the user on the html page